Thursday, February 3, 2011

Twinkle twinkle little star . . .

Just this moment, when I was looking up at the dark sky with the blinkin' carpet covering our innocent souls....NAH, B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T! They are called stars. Yes, stars. They get born and die eventually like us, but the only difference is that we live 100 years and they 100 million years. Quite a difference uh?

BUT, on to the subject. Wait, there is no subject. It's just me finishing my homework where the theme is "the death of a star". Yupp! But people say that if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, it will come true. I wonder what I am wishing for today....wait, I lied. I KNOW what I wish. I need more guts so I will nail all those 6'es (similar to an A/A+ in the US). Yes, yes, school is a manipulatin' biaaaaatch!

Anyway, what's your wish today sweetness?

Take care,